Aug 232015

After week three of five of our Warhammer 40K Conquest Summer League, the scores are incredibly close. Currently Tim is in the lead on 38 points, with James L and Gareth both only 1 point behind on 37. Then there’s a small drop down to Rik, me and Drew, all of whom still have a chance at the title. Just two more events to go, and with the top four scores only counting, it’s still wide open. Because you’re only allowed to play each Warlord once, could it be that Tim, James and Gareth have already played their favourites and have to play a Warlord they don’t like for the last two tournaments?

Tim 38
James L 37
Gareth 37
Rik 30
Karl 30
Drew 27
Loki 25
Rob 19
Joe 8
JD 8
Owen 7
James G 7

Aug 102015



For this tournament I decided to go with a warlord that I have not yet used in a competitive environment; Urien Rakarth.  He receives a lot of negativity in the online community (I am sure that some of you are already laughing at my choice of warlord) and whilst I freely admit that Packmaster Kith is a much stronger choice, leagues like this are a good opportunity to try out the less-used warlords, particularly as the stakes are quite low.  Anyway, onto the decklist!

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Jul 312015


The Great Devourer has been released at GenCon and spoilers are now floating around the internet, so I thought that I would take this opportunity to have a look at the fourteen non-Tyranid cards contained within. For fun as well I am going to give them a rating between 1-5, just so that I can look back on this article in the future and laugh about how wrong I was!

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Jul 302015


It has been just over two months since my last tournament, so it was good to get playing competitively again. If I am being honest, I have hardly played any games of Conquest since playing at the regionals we hosted back in May.  I managed to get a few games in during the week before our Summer League kicked off and was reasonably happy with the Baharroth deck that I had made, so decided to use that .

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Feb 032015

New in the shop today we have the latest Pokemon set, XY5 Primal Clash, plus Collectors Albums, The Warhammer Conquest expansion Gift of the Ethereals and the brand new X-Files board game where 1-4 agent players team up against one opponent who controls the Smoking Man and his nefarious network.

Also new in is the Crisis Expansion for the DC Deck-Building Game which introduces co-operative gameplay and “Impossible Mode”

Alchemists, a game where two to four budding alchemists compete to discover the secrets of their mystical art. Points can be earned in various ways, but most points are earned by publishing theories – correct theories, that is — and therein lies the problem.

In The Ancient World, players compete to grow the largest and most influential city-state by managing citizens, treasury, and military and by defeating titans. Players take turns sending citizens to take special actions or using military cards to attack titans. One of the actions a citizen can perform is to build Empire cards, which give more citizens, money, and abilities.

There’s also a new Machi Koro Expansion: The Harbor which expands the Machi Koro base game by adding thirteen new types of cards: ten new establishments, one new starting establishment, and two new landmarks. The expansion adds more complexity to the game, including seaports and airports that can be upgraded with additional boats (in the case of seaports) or facilities. Players also now need to complete six landmarks instead of four. Finally, with more establishments in the game, players choose only ten for use in any single game, mixing up what’s available each time you bring it to the table. It also increases the number of players to 5.

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Nov 122014

New in the shop this week we have Enemy Coast Ahead: The Dambuster Raid from GMT. In Enemy Coast Ahead, you command a newly formed Lancaster squadron assigned the task of breaching the dams in the Ruhr Valley. Not only are you presented with a variety of decisions, you play the invisible hand of fate as your crews endure the hazards of a dangerous night raid. Play the campaign and you get to organize and train the squadron, or play the historical scenarios. It’s suitable for solitaire or team play and costs £43.99.

Also in this week we have the Magic Holiday Boxes from Wizards. You get Four Khans of Tarkir booster packs, a beautiful storage box that can hold more than 2,000 Magic cards, twenty Khans of Tarkir basic lands, six illustrated plastic dividers, a sticker sheet for customizing the dividers and an alternative-art Sultai Charm from the Khans of Tarkir set. All this for only £16.99!

We’ve also had a restock of Warhammer Conquest starters. This game has been incredibly popular and we got the last four copies from the distributor!


Nov 102014

Excellent Warhammer 40K Conquest tournament on Saturday. I went 2-2 with Chaos/DE but would have gone 3-1 if I hadn’t made a stupid mistake against Tim in my third match.

I lent out my SM/Tau deck to a bloke who went 1-3 with it I think. Then last night I found out SM/Tau had come top two in the World’s finals with similar decks to mine. Last time I lend a deck out lol.

Warhammer 40K Conquest LCG has been incredibly popular here in Lincoln. The game is easy to learn but subtle and has lots of decision points. Being an LCG you don’t have to worry about searching for elusive cards!